Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Chapter of Life

It's almost 3am in the morning. I can't sleep. My mind was thinking a lot of things. It will be another 6 weeks for me to be officially graduated from university. I feel anxious, about life that going to change. Working, will never be fun compared to studying. However, I don't deny the best part of working is, there is no exam. I love that! But, it will like an exam everything. Practising law is not something that you can do whatever you want. One steps of mistake, it may take a very big consequence. With my law degree, saying that I don't wanna be a lawyer, most probably I will have hurt a lot of hearts. So, yea, be a lawyer.

My plan, after chambering, then proceed with my Master overseas. I guess besides family and friends, Malaysia basically has nothing for me to hold on for. I believe what I believe. At the age of 23, what can I dream for? Instead of thinking to marry a rich fat billionaire, it's better to work my ass off to get myself rich. Guys, how long can they be reliable? After awhile in life, I learnt that sometimes, dreams must be carried out myself. Pursuing Master in Australia is always my dream. I had given up my dream in return for a relationship that I thought it is a true love. Now, it's time to resume it and I'm not going to change my plan for anybody.

Another 2 years, what will happen? I hope I know but at the same time I'm glad that I don't know. By passing a lot of people, today I'm still alone. Seeing friends who broke up later than me, have ended up with new boyfriends or girlfriends, or even changing second or third one. Yes, I feel bitter, not because I'm still single, just I hate being questioned that why I'm single. What the hell in this world that I must in relationship to make my life happier? So what's wrong if I'm not hook up with someone? C'mon, I don't need to be in love because I NEED to be. I'm not with someone is not that I'm being choosy, just that the one that can make the same mind haven't appear. What am I supposed to do?

So, current plan, get a good firm, work the ass off for the highest salary, apply for a Master offer in University of Queensland. It's a very beautiful university for me to be away from Malaysia for a couple of years.

- if we meant to be passer-by, please don't come into my life. I'm not a display good that you can choose to have trial period. And, never blame a bad girl, because you never know how she had been treated before when she used to be a good girl. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

CS3 Masterpiece

Naaa. I was caught doing design work instead of studying Labour law. Haha..Who makes colours more interesting than law. So screw laws and here  come with some art work. 

Feel sorry to take one of the model's body to insert a broken heart. It's too bad that I don't have that body, so I have to use hers. *excuse* Just don't wanna my body to be cut like that. XP

Zebra on V.

Modelling is never been my cup of tea. With the height, I'm totally not the qualified model. But, camwhore is always in the blood of girls. I love this Zebra-strips-shirt. Besides the body-hugging material, it's my birthday gift from sisters.

Back from the appointment with my advisor to ask about some information regarding my master. I spent 1 and half hour in his room, deducted the time he was actually reading some articles, checked his emails, listened to his complaint about his plan for attending a meeting in Barcelona and then flies to Paris for Alumni Dinner,  calculating how many times he actually have to scold people "bastard" and figuring out how to spell "Ras-cal". Just can't stand he keepon using the rude words, because it seems like he is scolding me. Imagine if people hear that outside his room, and later see me walking out, what will the people think?

 So basically, I got 10 minutes discussion for what I wanna ask. OMG!! Seriously, I feel like smashing my head to his door or chock myself with his umbrella. Huhuhuhuhu~ Tell myself that *do not angry*, *calm down* *take a deep breath*

Can't bring the emo-ness back to my apartment. But if I don't voice out here, I will burst out like a balloon. Luckily I wasn't really on hungry. So, I shall forgive him.

Anyway, should have continued with my graduation video. I have been listening to "Friends Forever" by Victamin C over and over again. So basically my task is to make a video which is able to make as many as my friends cry. Let's see, I try my best. 

Sorry Here is the ass, but look a little bit detail, now I only realize zebra's tail is also in strips. LOL

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Red-Blue Nerd


Okay, it's school re-opening, and I have literally wasted my first week doing nothing serious. Let's see. I have couple of meetings for Golden Key, school magazine etc. I just had my CV and covering letter done today. Nothing to be proud of because I have spent most of the time drowning with drama series. What did you expect? IT IS FIRST WEEK of school re-open and I'm still in the mood of holidays. Enough of the excuses.

At least, I'm back to gym. After three weeks break, first week hitting gym back was basically killing me. My whole body is still in pain. I guess my muscle is still on vacation as well. What to do, beautiful body comes with sacrifices. So, as usual, Tuesday and Thursday, gym. But this week I did a little bit extra, I went for another additional 1 hour gym in my apartment. Only managed to do the running, as there is only running track in the so-call-gym. * Not my excuse, it's the truth*. Anyway, at least I exercised. 

Me in the nerdy spec

At the very first week, I was wearing this spec, some of my friends said I look nerdy but some said nice. Personally, I still think without spec look prettier. *winks* So I decided, this week onward, I will continue to wear my contact lens. 

One thing bothering me is that, people always judge a book by its cover. No doubt that everybody loves beautiful things, but sometimes I wonder, can't they sometimes stop and stare, look real into a person's character, personality, and attitude, the real world inside of a human. It's not that I don't believe love at the first sight, but by looking at the face, how much you can know about a person? I admit that beautiful things did managed to grab the attention prior than ordinary stuffs. Beautiful faces should be a bonus point and they should not be abused. I remember there is a friend told me that, if one day he's handsome, he can get girls easily. And, he can be a womaniser. I was disappointed when I heard this. That's what a guy with good-looking face think? get a girl easily and be a playboy because you have the potential? C'mon. 

I have meet a lot of people, after break up. Different types of people. But I learn not to judge them because I'm no one to judge. I understand that one day I'm on top, but I might be on the floor on the another day. And, in fact, I have fallen real hard before. It hurts. I'm trying to understand, different points of different people. I want to know what guys are thinking, and what should a girl think. I met guys confess through Facebook, guys that told me how different they're with others, guys that simply make promises to marry me and ended up getting a new girlfriend in a month. My girl friends told me, there is no fairytale in this world, and I should not hold on my dream meeting someone that will act like a gentlemen and give you a "living happily ever after" ending.

Give up? NO way, I know I have met people they might not be those I hope. Fairytale only happens on those who believe it. I believe, and I want to believe, in this 21th century, there are still someone who believe in faith, not every good-looking guy is playful, rich guys are not necessary to be unfaithful. There are always both side of things. When we girls are complaining guys are not sincere, how about those girls who spend the boyfriends' money like crazy, how about those girls who are so materialistic, and those pretty girls who cheat behind their boyfriends? So, fair enough, not all girls are good as well.

Once in awhile after I broke up, I used to think that I should have become a playgirl. Putting a whole heart in a relationship is just like an idiot, when you believe everything in this world is so pure. Love is so pure. But slowly I realize, yes, love is always so pure, and the only thing who destroy such love is that particular person. People might have hurt us, but is that a good reason for us to hurt the others? Believing there is good in this world is not a sin, it should be beautiful. 

I believe, in this very corner of earth, there will be someone thinking the same as mine. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Magical World

In Southern California, there is no dearth of themed attractions. Between Disneyland and Universal Studios, any theme park enthusiast should be able to find something that satisfies their thirst for entertainment. And yet, there is one group that might be feeling left out: the diehard fans of Harry Potter. As of now, anyone that’s been taken in by Pottermania has to travel to Orlando, Florida to experience The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios; but it’s looking as if things are about to change. Rumors of a replica Wizarding World to be built at Universal Studios Hollywood have recently started to appear in mainstream media outlets such as the LA Times and theWall Street Journal.

Alice in the Wonderland

 Reed Flute Cave, China- Magical World 

I remember every time I merely lost hope, I will make myself to listen to Katy Perry' song - Not like the movies. Since very young, I'm in love the Disney cartoon, from Mickey to Snow White and Beauty and the Beast. It's not merely because of the beautiful cartoon characters, it's the story of every fairytale. I always believe that everybody has their own story, happy or sad, there will be a happy ending just like the fairytale. 

Reality's fairytale merely doesn't exist, that's what I always hear. A lot of people believe, the reality stops at the middle of the fairytale. Just like Cinderalla being tortured by stepmother and stepsisters, in real life, the story stops at the torturing, there is no fairy exist, no pumpkin chariot, no ball and no prince waiting to pick up their crystal high heels. Beauty and the Beast, pretty girls in love with an ugly guy, and after figuring out, the guy is freaking rich. So does all this fairytale remain as fairytale only?

I use to believe, no matter how bad this world can be, no matter how flirty and unfaithful a person can be, there will be someone who believe every good thing exist in this world. Everybody deserves fairytale, it depends whether you believe or not. 

To have a strong heart, believing and keeping a faith, that beautiful ending will always be the last chapter of life, it's not easy but it's not hard. There seems to be a lot of obstacles, hardships, happening in life, shaken your faith, your belief. A lot of people cannot go through these and they slowly lost their hope, to believe that there is beauty in this world. 

I'm not living to make a lot of people in love with me, what is the purpose of it if I have the whole world on my side but not the one I loved? I used to convince myself, be playgirl, just don't be serious so that you will never get hurt again. But, one thing will be clear enough is that, this will not lead to a fairytale, there will not be a happy ending. 

Why are those fairytale exist? It's because the world lack of it, or they are created because they never exist in real world? I believe there is fairytale in this world and it's just searching on whom it happens, on whom believe the beauty of it. Seriously, I hope more people will keep the faith, not every fairytale stops at the rotten part of it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

王力宏 Leehom Wang 《火力全开MUSIC-MAN II》2012演唱会 Concert

Lee Hom Wang came to our shore for concert last Saturday. I have to absent again as being locked up at home during this semester break. Let's the pictures do the talking. =)

I had been following Lee Hom's songs quite some time. He's really a talented singer. Apart from having a perfect face, even though he is an American-born singer-songwriter, he never forget himself as a Chinese and has a great contribution to many Chinese songs. Through his musical style which is known for fusing Chinese elements such as Beijing Opera, traditional styles of ethnic minorities. From several songs, there is a mixture between R&B, Hip-hop with Chinese Instruments such as Er Hu, Gu Zheng. So no doubt that he is a very talented musician.

Below are some history background and achievement of Lee Hom, a very inspiring person. 

Lee Hom  has been active since 1995 and contributed in 25 albums. He is also a four-time winner of Taiwan's Golden Melody Awards, the "Grammys" of Taiwanese music.In addition to his music, he also acted in several films, including Ang Lee's Lust, Caution and Jackie Chan's film Little Big Soldier. He is an environmental activist, and his album Change Me was dedicated to raising eco-awareness among Chinese youth. Wang was one of the first torchbearers for the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, and performed in the Olympics' closing ceremony in Beijing. He was listed as one of Goldsea's "The 100 Most Inspiring Asian Americans of All Time"

So, being a Lee Hom fans will never be wrong. hehe

Golden Key International Honour Society

Received the Golden pin  from Australia by air mail. Hehe. Yeapy!!! It's a gold pin which cost me $20 (40 bucks). Although it costs some money, it's for pride and a symbol of recognition from Golden Key International Honour Society. It recognizes those who are in the top 15% of their peers, based on academic achievement. So I'm the top 15% as validated by Multimedia University and is hereby granted all honours, benefits and privileges pertaining to membership of the Golden Key International Honour Society. So , it can be considered one of my achievement in my university life. My greatest hope is to graduate with First Class Honour, sitting at the first row. It will be the best present for my parents. For years, I know they're hoping to see this moment. I promise myself I will make it and make them proud even I'm not a son. 

Asia-Pacific Conference-Melbourne Victoria Australia 2012

First day reaching in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, we had our early day tour around Melbourne. Started with the Flinders Street Station. Saw the yellow red building? It is the railway station. It's beautiful. 

The front look of Flinders Street Station.

Next stop was at the St. Paul's Cathedral. It's a church. I love the architecture of it. Ancient. 

Part of the buildings of RMIT University. Walking along the street, there were students sitting on the grass, reading and talking. In Malaysia, you can never find this scenery. I love the culture there. 

St. Paul's Cathedral

We walked into St.Paul's Cathedral. Everybody was busy taking pictures of its great design. I was amazed by its design as it shows the solemnity but at the same time maintain magical feeling in it. It will be beautiful to have a wedding being solemnized in such a place, with a lifetime vow which brings a love story with "living happily ever after" ending.

Saw the colours of the door? The glasses shine under the sun, beautiful reflection forms. Can't get my eyes of them. I guess there was a story behind the picture forms on the door, but I was unable to get closer to the tour-guide who was giving explanation. Too bad. 

YAY!!! I met Taylor Swift. (Not really, just a random girl who looks like her. Pretty and hot ;P)