Sunday, March 18, 2012

Red-Blue Nerd


Okay, it's school re-opening, and I have literally wasted my first week doing nothing serious. Let's see. I have couple of meetings for Golden Key, school magazine etc. I just had my CV and covering letter done today. Nothing to be proud of because I have spent most of the time drowning with drama series. What did you expect? IT IS FIRST WEEK of school re-open and I'm still in the mood of holidays. Enough of the excuses.

At least, I'm back to gym. After three weeks break, first week hitting gym back was basically killing me. My whole body is still in pain. I guess my muscle is still on vacation as well. What to do, beautiful body comes with sacrifices. So, as usual, Tuesday and Thursday, gym. But this week I did a little bit extra, I went for another additional 1 hour gym in my apartment. Only managed to do the running, as there is only running track in the so-call-gym. * Not my excuse, it's the truth*. Anyway, at least I exercised. 

Me in the nerdy spec

At the very first week, I was wearing this spec, some of my friends said I look nerdy but some said nice. Personally, I still think without spec look prettier. *winks* So I decided, this week onward, I will continue to wear my contact lens. 

One thing bothering me is that, people always judge a book by its cover. No doubt that everybody loves beautiful things, but sometimes I wonder, can't they sometimes stop and stare, look real into a person's character, personality, and attitude, the real world inside of a human. It's not that I don't believe love at the first sight, but by looking at the face, how much you can know about a person? I admit that beautiful things did managed to grab the attention prior than ordinary stuffs. Beautiful faces should be a bonus point and they should not be abused. I remember there is a friend told me that, if one day he's handsome, he can get girls easily. And, he can be a womaniser. I was disappointed when I heard this. That's what a guy with good-looking face think? get a girl easily and be a playboy because you have the potential? C'mon. 

I have meet a lot of people, after break up. Different types of people. But I learn not to judge them because I'm no one to judge. I understand that one day I'm on top, but I might be on the floor on the another day. And, in fact, I have fallen real hard before. It hurts. I'm trying to understand, different points of different people. I want to know what guys are thinking, and what should a girl think. I met guys confess through Facebook, guys that told me how different they're with others, guys that simply make promises to marry me and ended up getting a new girlfriend in a month. My girl friends told me, there is no fairytale in this world, and I should not hold on my dream meeting someone that will act like a gentlemen and give you a "living happily ever after" ending.

Give up? NO way, I know I have met people they might not be those I hope. Fairytale only happens on those who believe it. I believe, and I want to believe, in this 21th century, there are still someone who believe in faith, not every good-looking guy is playful, rich guys are not necessary to be unfaithful. There are always both side of things. When we girls are complaining guys are not sincere, how about those girls who spend the boyfriends' money like crazy, how about those girls who are so materialistic, and those pretty girls who cheat behind their boyfriends? So, fair enough, not all girls are good as well.

Once in awhile after I broke up, I used to think that I should have become a playgirl. Putting a whole heart in a relationship is just like an idiot, when you believe everything in this world is so pure. Love is so pure. But slowly I realize, yes, love is always so pure, and the only thing who destroy such love is that particular person. People might have hurt us, but is that a good reason for us to hurt the others? Believing there is good in this world is not a sin, it should be beautiful. 

I believe, in this very corner of earth, there will be someone thinking the same as mine. 

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